
Hi! I write books!

Lord Peter Wimsey and Other Stories

Published over 1 year ago • 2 min read

‘The only thing we've found,’ went on Lord Peter, ‘is Chambers's Dictionary, and we didn't find that this evening, because Miss Vane had found it before, while she was engaged in wasting her time on crosswords instead of getting on with her writing.’ --Have His Carcase, Dorothy L Sayers

I've run into an issue with my revision of George and Louise Book 3 which has been insurmountable (not forever, just as long as my brain is still mush from the sickness that's still left me wiped out), which means that I turned my mind to another project that might become my NaNo project, although it's bold of me to assume my brain will be working again by then (and if it is, I really should focus on the G&LB3 issue).

So I've done what any absolutely normal person would do in this situation: re-read the entire Lord Peter Wimsey series.

(I guess that's my version of Harriet's crosswords.)

It started because when i was still Extra-Wiped-Out-Sick, I listened to this bio of Sayers and also the 1987 TV version of Have His Carcase. (All four episodes are on YouTube; here's the first:)

It's never been a secret that, of the entire series, Have His Carcase is my favourite. It's the Romantic Tension episode, where Harriet is by no means ready to yield to the endless marriage proposals, but the bickering is at its snarkiest peak.

"By all means," said Harriet. "Where did you come from?"
"From London—like a bird that hears the call of its mate."
"I didn't——" began Harriet.
"I didn't mean you. I meant the corpse. But still, talking of mates, will you marry me?"
"Certainly not."


"When I saw it from the beach I took the body for seaweed just at first. I shouldn't make a mental note of seaweed."
"Good. Then at one o'clock the beach was deserted, except possibly for the body, which may have been there making a noise like seaweed."

I would absolutely LOVE to talk to other people who are Wimsey fans, so PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU ARE ONE SO WE CAN FANGIRL/FANWHATEVER TOGETHER.

Anyway, I've been greatly enjoying this re-read, and to be fair it's not entirely irrelevant, because possible NaNo Project draws heavily on the vibe de Sayers.

I don't want to talk TOO much about it yet, but basically the premise is Man With Ongoing Identity Crisis, his Long-Suffering Sister, the Arts Columnist he wants to marry, and the Arts Columnist's Sassy Photographer Friend.

I also want to shout-out the release (yesterday!) of Karen Heenan's fantastic Coming Apart.

There are 20 days until the release of The Summer I Found Home! Remember to let me know when you preorder so I can send you élégie!

Here are all the places you can preorder:

Also, élégie has a Goodreads page, if you're inclined to leave a review/mark as read!

Until next time,

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