
Hi! I write books!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Published 6 months ago • 1 min read

Hello lovely subscribers!

This will be brief, but I wanted to...

A) wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving

B) send out one last reminder that the SHADOWS FROM THE SKY launch party is on Monday: There will be giveaways! You won't want to miss it!

C) send out one last reminder that you can still preorder the ebook of Shadows for 99c:

and if you'd like to read The Summer I Found Home first, the ebook of that is also on sale for 99c!

Here's a lovely advance review for Shadows, from Karen Heenan (whose latest book, Coming Together, you should definitely read):

I was lucky enough to read an advance copy of this book, and I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the continuing adventures of plucky, hard-headed Louise, clueless, good-hearted George, and their wonderfully messy families. The mystery was enough to keep you guessing, but what I'm really here for are the relationships, the setting (obviously personal to the author, and thus very real to the reader), and the eventual book where Louise and George grow up a bit further (or a lot further, in his case) to become the couple we all know they can be.


My next newsletter I'll share some pics from a recent trip I took and share my thoughts on WAR AND PEACE, which has been consuming my life for 53 long hours with 2 left to go. But right now I have to go make a bunch of pie crusts and get ready to go to my in-laws'. Enjoy your day, however you spend it!

Until next time,


Hi! I write books!

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